Welcome to Through the Lens, expert commercial photographers & marketers
We produce the very best images for all kinds of businesses but we go further, we help you market & promote what you do, what you sell and/or what you make. We work with you to create images that sell.
By working in partnership with businesses like yours we ensure your profile, advertising & online presence grabs attention and makes an impact, telling stories that resonate with your market and get you noticed.
Scroll down to discover more about the sectors we specialise in and some of the innovative, unique services we provide.
Pick up the phone or drop us a message to discuss how you can begin boosting your profits now.
email: enquiries@through-the-lens.co.uk tel: 01522 246645
You have 50 milliseconds to make a
good first impression!

Photography For Your Business
Professional, commercial photography is the single most valuable investment you can make in your marketing. Photographs remain a unique marketing tool - they make an instant impact, telling your businesses story within a fraction of a second.
Before we photograph your products, services or people we discuss with you your marketing objectives, your target markets & your marketing plan to ensure we can achieve the results you have in mind.
With this unique approach we don’t consider ourselves ‘just’ photographers, instead we’re visual marketers, we’ll ensure your photographs carry, support & emphasise your marketing message wherever you use them, and we’ll be there to support you long after we’ve put down the camera, transferred your photos and admired them on your website or social media.
We developed this approach after having numerous customers ask us the best way to use their photos & seeing many use our great photos in ways that didn’t deliver maximum marketing value. Our case studies illustrate how we’ve worked with some businesses to help them develop their marketing & how we’ve innovated with a whole range of services from eye-catching aerial photographs to virtual tours and even created new websites for them.
We can now also provide training & consultancy to businesses to help them further with everything from taking their own photos right the way through to implementing visual marketing strategies.
Of course the very best photography remains at the core of what we do and we’ll always be dedicated to taking the very best photos for all types of business. Whether it’s a set of new photos you need for yourself, your staff, buildings, products, services or you’d like to discuss how we can develop & improve your visual marketing please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
“Vision trumps all other senses. We are incredible at remembering pictures. Hear a piece of information, and three days later you'll remember 10% of it. Add a picture and you'll remember 65% “
Brain Rules by John Medina

Property Photography Specialists
For many years we’ve worked with a wide range of property related businesses and we specialise in all forms of architectural & property photography. We’re the ‘go to’ photographers for a range of estate agents, builders, property developers & architects who trust us to produce images that boost their profits, market their services and record their developments.
Quite simply we’re the best property & architectural photographers in the region.
As well as great interior & exterior photography we provide aerial photography services, high quality floor plans, 360 degree tours & videos, all of which are proven to make a real impact with your customers.
We’ve assisted estate agents in selling millions of pounds worth of property of all sizes & condition, working seamlessly to support their sales processes, liaising directly with their vendors, selling their properties faster, for greater sums & attracting more listings.
Builders & property developers value the relationships we build with them whilst showcasing what they do, their new homes, commercial properties and/or developments. From progress photos to sales imagery & everything in-between, we’re there to help them make a great impression.
We also provide consultancy & training to Estate Agents who are too far to use our photography, helping them provide their own great photos and marketing, boosting their profits along the way.
Get in touch now to discuss how we can help you reach more customers and sell faster for more.
67% of consumers say the quality of an image is
“very important”
in selecting
and purchasing